Why is sex so difficult to talk about?
Why, despite the wealth of information out there, are so many people unable to enjoy a happy sex life?
Kathryn chats with former nurse Samantha Evans of sex toy website Jo Divine, busting myths, gaining fascinating insights and crucially loads of suggestions on where to find out more, how to research for yourself, how to talk to your medical provider and more.
Resources mentioned in this podcast see below: **warning: some links may contain explicit content – Arcadia is not responsible for any of the content on any of the sites linked below, and all are intended for educational purposes only**
Jo Divine – Samatha Evans, with links to her blogs http://www.jodivine.com/authors/samantha-evans
Sex Wise educational website: https://sexwise.fpa.org.uk/
Jane Lewis – Menopause information https://drjanelewis.com/working-through-the-menopause/ and vaginal atrophy https://menopausedoctor.co.uk/news/vaginal-dryness-last-menopause-taboo/
Teen sex education at Scarlet Teen http://www.scarleteen.com/
Mr Peter Greenhouse – Consultant in Sexual Health – follow on Twitter at @GreenhousePeter
Daisy Network – premature ovarian insufficiency (early menopause) https://www.daisynetwork.org.uk/
Justin Hancock – Sex educator and trainer https://bishtraining.com/
Alex Fox – Sex Educator https://alexfox.com.au/
Erika Lust –adult film maker https://erikalust.com/should-sex-ed-include-porn/
The Porn Conversation – educating your children about pornography http://thepornconversation.org/
Cindy’s TED talk – Make Love Not Porn https://blog.ted.com/cindy_gallop_ma/comment-page-3/