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Complaints Procedure.

Arcadia Physiotherapy recognises the importance of customer complaints as a valuable form of feedback about its services. We are committed to using this information to help drive forward improvements. This procedure outlines the aims of the business in dealing with complaints and sets out what a client can expect when making a complaint regarding our services.

Our definition of a complaint

Any complaint is about letting the business know that the client is not happy with our services. We welcome any feedback. The complaint may be about delays, lack of response, discourtesy, orwhat is perceived as short falls in the standard of service.

How we aim to deal with your complaint

We aim to give our customer a fair, consistent and structured process to secure a remedy for failures in the delivery of our services.

We will benefit from all complaints made. We will use the outcome of any complaint as a positive method of monitoring performance and improving our services.

We will be monitoring all complaints received and will classify complaints under certain categories such as inadequate service, delays or decision making etc.

By analysing complaints we aim to highlight specific areas of our service provision where improvement is needed.

To ensure that the way we deal with our complaints is a quality process and following feedback from our customers we have set ourselves the following objectives:

  • to improve the quality of the services we provide;
  • to improve our relationship with our patients
  • to encourage best practice and consistency
  • to provide training for our staff
  • to have your views heard;
  • to receive a good quality service;
  • to expect prompt action when our performance is below standard, balanced by the resources we have available.

To advise the client the standard of service they should expect, including a time limit for replying to your complaint and details regarding your right of appeal;

  • explain the code of practice for handling complaints;
  • ensure we monitor complaints;
  • ensure we meet our standards;
  • be regularly reviewed following your feedback

Our goal is to break down barriers to complaining and to make sure everyone can use the Complaints Procedure.

Your complaint should be addressed to:

Kathryn Peden
Proprietor Arcadia Physiotherapy
Broadway Business Centre
32a Stoney Street

If your complaint is directly related to Kathryn Peden and you feel unable to write directly to her, then instead you should forward your complaint to:

Kerstine Herbert
KH Physiotherapy
14 Victoria Street
NG16 2NH

We request that all complaints be made in writing to the above address or to either of the email addresses below.

Kathryn Priest –
Kerstine Herbert –

We will acknowledge the receipt of such a complaint within 7 working days, and aim to resolve any possible issues within 21 working days of receipt.

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