Every Breath You Take
15th October 2015
What takes your breath away? Sweeping vistas, the touch of a loved one, the thrill of achievement or physical exertion? Or could it also be other life events that affect your breathing for the longer term? Shock? Grief? Injury? Illness? Our amazing lungs are truly a work of art. Designed exactly like great many-leafed trees, […]
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Meeting Your Inner Knees
9th September 2015
My knees always blighted me in early life, constantly referred to by my siblings as my ‘knobbles’ and always pointing in funny directions. However, as a runner they have served me well, have got me through many traffic jams using clutch control and only complained mildly despite the awkward positions I put them in during […]
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What a Difference A View Makes
4th September 2015
On Tuesday this week, Arcadia turned One. A time for celebration, excitement and new horizons, for sure..? Yet for some reason I felt flat, disengaged from what it all ‘should’ mean. I hadn’t planned anything beyond the usual appointments, didn’t really get round to it somehow. Despite enthusiastic congratulations from friends, family and clients, to […]
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Osteopractor, Chirotherapist, Physiopath?!
12th August 2015
I am often asked what the difference is between Physiotherapy, Osteopathy and Chiropractice. In all honesty, the more I find out about these seemingly separate disciplines, the more they seem to have in common! So here’s a not-so-brief summary of what we share and what perhaps sets us apart. I will do my best to […]
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The Mirror is Your Friend!
22nd July 2015
When we think of a mirror, the following associations scan through our minds: Something we don’t want to see (blemishes, how tired we look, crazy hair, food in our beard) Classic film prop for revealing something unpleasant (lurking murderer, face from sordid past, etc) Bloomin’ expensive Even in a metaphorical sense, it has negative connotations: […]
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Massage: Method, Myth or Magic?
15th July 2015
In the beginning… there was massage. Thousands of years old, this discipline has been used to soothe tired muscles, promote healing and even as a pathway to meditation and enlightenment. On a more temporal bent, patients often ask me what effect it’s having, how it works and how long will any benefits last? This is […]
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Good Feeling – Myofascial Release
16th May 2015
I’ve got a good feeling Like I know how I’m feeling Scraping me off the ceiling Back to that good feeling…Now I find it hard living Wasting our time giving When will we all give in Into that good feeling? Travis – Good Feeling – 1997Whizzing down the M1 first thing this morning I blasted […]
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Mad March Musings
31st March 2015
March has been a busy month of huge variety, as I suppose it should be with the daffodils bursting, the clocks changing and of course the ever-unpredictable weather! For Arcadia, there have been some fabulous opportunities, experiences and lessons learned. It’s only right to finally take a breath and reflect on all this madness, and […]
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The Knitting Physio
19th February 2015
Stumbling through slush on my way home from work one dark and stormy afternoon in December, I saw a shimmering light in the distance, a few doors up the hill from my clinic. Drawing closer, the glow became gradually clearer… it transformed into a kaleidoscope of colour, a wonderous mountain of wool! And at its […]
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Ode to a Tennis Ball
30th January 2015
The tennis ball: a humble sphere Whose gifts abound Within its cheer- Ful furry pate and sunny glow That bids forget this cold and snow. To grip it firm can Help the old Retrain their strength Aye, make them bold! When summer comes that aged lot Thanks to this ball Won’t need to drop. Aching […]
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New Year’s Resolutions: Harder Than You Think?
11th January 2015
By 9.20am, last Monday had already been described as ‘the most depressing day of the year’. The majority of people dragged themselves out of their warm festive beds, put on their work clothes and masks and head out into the early morning mist to reluctantly revive the working world. As I’m self employed, I should […]
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Secrets to Successful Networking
7th October 2014
As every small business person knows or discovers pretty quickly, people need to know you exist. This is such a fundamental fact that it overtakes (in terms of time, anyway) all other aspects of your work, and suddenly your dream to do X has been splintered into a many-faceted mess of new, entry-level skills, decreased […]
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